
Hey everyone, I’m violet. 
          	Welcome to my page, these stories I’m gonna be posting are not mine. I will not be taking any credit for them, I just thought they were really good stories and that you would like to read them. I will make sure that I post the authors names on the bottom so you know who wrote what. 
          	(If you like the stories that I post please let me know by commenting , so I know to keep posting them) 
          	Thank you 
          	Love violet 


Hey everyone, I’m violet. 
          Welcome to my page, these stories I’m gonna be posting are not mine. I will not be taking any credit for them, I just thought they were really good stories and that you would like to read them. I will make sure that I post the authors names on the bottom so you know who wrote what. 
          (If you like the stories that I post please let me know by commenting , so I know to keep posting them) 
          Thank you 
          Love violet