
Hi hi hi :) I have randomly come back to read the absolute disasters I wrote as a 13 year old lol. And I thought to leave this message here if anyone wants to catch up or reach out. You reach me through email :)


Hi hi hi :) I have randomly come back to read the absolute disasters I wrote as a 13 year old lol. And I thought to leave this message here if anyone wants to catch up or reach out. You reach me through email :)


Hello dear friends on this marvelous app. My lovely friend anaxinator and I were recently talking on Whatsapp and l thought "Hey, how about we start a Whatsapp group for V-Lovers on Wattpad. We all know that talking on Wattpad is hard these days, the notifications don't come through, we don't really check our messages, and a lot of other causes. So, I thought this would be a great way for us all to stay in touch. We welcome whoever wants to join and understand those who would rather not. Anyways, love you all <3 Sofia


Hi, hello, greetings. How are you? I just wanted to pop in and say hi and ask if you would like to talk on a different media platform(?) because we all know how nobody ever gets around to answering on Wattpad these days. I seriously love you guys, my longest friendships ever are with you, and I miss you. Even with those of you that I do talk to pretty regularly, we never talk about things like we used to when the fandom was less asleep, and I miss that! I want to know what's going on in your lives, I care about all of you so much and it breaks my heart to think that I might completely grow apart from you all. So yeah, after that emotional paragraph, what do you say? Should we try talking on other media? Can we try stay in touch? Please. 


@violetta4siempre my insta is @yamiroh - a soy luna account


@violetta4siempre contact me on instagram!! I'd love to talk again. I'm writing this comment from an older, secondary account I used back in 2015, since I can't seem to remember my password for @art_lover2311 :/ Love, Alix <3


God my old books are so cringey -_-' 


@violetta4siempre and that's why I deleted all my books. They're all cringey. Haha I shouldn't have deleted them tho


@Lejleii_V_Lover We all evolve as writers :))) 


@violetta4siempre I had a cringe attack while reading mine XD


Happiness has found me. I have found myself. It's storming outside. I am in control of my life. I can choose whether to go out into the storm. I AM IN CONTROL OF WHAT I DO.


People don't believe me that I have friends. So, MY FRIENDS, anything you want to say to them?


@cuandxbailo Why do you say that? You are my friend. We might not be very close but you're still my friend.


I don't think I'm one of your friends but I'm stalking you right now so: LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE NON-BELIEVERS!!!!