
Potatoes are cool


@Hufflepuff909 please rip it or throw it out. People will miss you dearly. You have become an inspiration for so many people and personally I hate when my inspiration dies (my inspiration was Finn from Glee). I'm pretty sure your parent(s) will miss you along with your friends both Internet and real life. I'm not trying to make you feel bad but that's how it is. For those people you have affected, the world would stop if you left them. 
              To be honest I've thought about suicide (well who hasn't) multiple times, the pills were right there, right there. But what stopped me from doing it was the pure thought of what my mom would do if she walked in my room to my lifeless body. That alone made me want to cry. Think about the person you are closest with and picture them walking into your room to your body lying there lifeless or even hanging from the ceiling. It's not a pretty picture to see them crying over you and that was the exact thing you thought they wouldn't do. 
              You are too young to want to take your life. I have to say YOLO is the most over used phrase but you know what? It's true. You only live once, live it even if life doesn't seem like it's going to get better. I kid you not, life does get better. Now my way of making my life better may not work for you but what will work is finding happiness in something you love to do. Try even making yourself smile everyday of you have to. 
              Please what ever you do don't take your life. The sad truth is once you're gone, you're gone that's it. Life isn't a video game. You can't  respawn even if you wanted to, okay? Life sucks I know that, but life does have some good, actually a lot of good. You just have to find it. 
          If you need to talk I'm here for you, okay? (・ω・)ノ *sending you a hug*