
6:19 PM Wednesday January 29, 2020

I just found out I'm getting a new puppy. We don't know if we'll keep him or not. We told my dad's friend that we would find a home for him. I'm so excited!


    4:14 PM Wednesday January 29, 2020
    I published the introduction to my new book, Truth or Dare. Check it out if you want. Please tell me if you see any mistakes. If you want to give me ideas for chapters in the future, please tell me. I love hearing your ideas even if I don't use them. Also, feel free to critique me as long as you don't insult me along the way. I know I'm not the best at writing, but I'd love to get better. Thanks!


      2:06 PM Wednesday January 29, 2020
      I just posted the first chapter to my new book "Truth or Dare" It's a fanfic for Steve Harrington. If you want, go check it out. It's just a Cast chapter, but the introduction will be up soon. I still have to edit a lil bit.


        this message may be offensive
        10:44 PM Saturday December 28, 2019
        So I was telling a funny story having to do with a bench with an umbrella. And I live in the south, so I have an accent. So when I said "bench" it sounded like "bitch" and my family kept making fun of me. And this happened:
        "What's a bitch with an umbrella?"
        "Mary Poppins"


          2:56 PM Wednesday November 6, 2019
          Also dm me if you want to rp or if you were rping with me and I haven't responded. I haven't been getting notifications lately. I may not reply right away but I will eventually.


            2:52 PM Wednesday November 6, 2019
            Guys! I'm sorry I haven't been active. I've been working on a story on one of my other accounts. So yeah. Also I've been really busy with school and stuff so. 


              5:41 PM Friday September 13, 2019
              So.... I'm on my new phone right now. Like a week ago, my old phone got ran over. (I dropped it) That's why I haven't been active. Also. The 8th, I turned 14. Sooooooo yeah. Love y'all.