
Begging for good book suggestions ..... please


I thought your bio said fish consultant... oh my God...


Thank you so much for the fan! I really appreciate the follow and I hope I meet your expectations. I really would love to hear from you and would love, love, love if you were to check out some of my works! All of your support isn't in vain; I adore every single individual. I hope you have a great time in Wattpad and I love your username, hahah.
          Have the utmost amazing day! <3
          - sarena x


Thank you so much for voting on The Snow Queen. Your support really means a lot! I hope you enjoy reading.
          Also...welcome to Wattpad :D I hope you enjoy your time here.


@cavsinghavxk Awe thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it :) and I wish the best for you as you get started. It is definitely hard to get going on here!


@Katherynn I love your book it was the first book I fell in love with and I will enjoy wattpad