
Did you guys get chosen for the "Wattpad Research"?


Wattpad was doing a survey and I and others were randomly chosen.


Hello I noticed your concern for me on my previous account (anime-kun16) and I’d just like to tell you that I am okay! I’m not depressed anymore and I’m truly happy I could never think about dying again I’m so sorry for being inactive in that account I had to take a while for myself and forgot the password thank you for caring about me but I am in fact alive and well.


Hey, guys did you know if we humans keep polluting earth at the rate we are going then we will all die in about 22 years
          I learned this in science class but before this I thought we had like a hundred years left until humans die off


Agree but I think humans should just disappear because the harm we do to other species and to our earth is so cruel