
hey guys,
          	so i posted something about a month ago in 'odds and ends'. i didn't expect it to, but it definitely reminded me about my passion for writing. and yeah, it's gross, but i'm back on my heroes of olympus bull? (definitely pre trials of apollo era. that series does not exist in my head.)
          	although i am creating and writing and thinking more, it's evident that very few of you are actually interested in my work. there has been quite a bit of activity on my old works (there's been lots of mark of athena and house of hades weirdly??? like... pls don't read those, they are SO bad.) so i'm not coming back to wattpad.
          	i am, however, active again on my tumblr! i've been posting ideas and little writing segments and if you want to see me around, follow me on there. i'll be posting lots there. wattpad, however, is dead to me.
          	my tumblr: https://jasonsmclean.tumblr.com/
          	- megan


hey guys,
          so i posted something about a month ago in 'odds and ends'. i didn't expect it to, but it definitely reminded me about my passion for writing. and yeah, it's gross, but i'm back on my heroes of olympus bull? (definitely pre trials of apollo era. that series does not exist in my head.)
          although i am creating and writing and thinking more, it's evident that very few of you are actually interested in my work. there has been quite a bit of activity on my old works (there's been lots of mark of athena and house of hades weirdly??? like... pls don't read those, they are SO bad.) so i'm not coming back to wattpad.
          i am, however, active again on my tumblr! i've been posting ideas and little writing segments and if you want to see me around, follow me on there. i'll be posting lots there. wattpad, however, is dead to me.
          my tumblr: https://jasonsmclean.tumblr.com/
          - megan


          2 years ago, i left wattpad. for the first time in over 2 years, i uploaded something onto this site. seems full circle that i posted something heroes of olympus, amirite?
          if anyone remembers me, hello, it's me again. life updates: i'm a freshman in college now. (the last time i logged in, i was a junior in high school. wow.) i'm attending a university and studying political science. sweet, right? i'm almost 19. weird to think i was 12 when i joined wattpad.
          i finished and uploaded a one-shot i started (and never completed) in 2016. it was too good to let die. i had inspiration since i was geeking out about the series with some buddies during a study group. let's just read it and pretend that rick riordan didn't screw up and RUIN THE STORYLINE IN THE NEWEST TRIALS OF APOLLO BOOK. i'm just gonna pretend that all my babies are okay.
          i don't think this is a grand return. i doubt people even remember me, tbh. but, hey, i tried. never thought i'd ever upload anything ever again, or even write for pleasure. but i did. and i hope that if any of my old friends are out there, you'll read it and enjoy and i'll remember why i used to write in the first place.
          - megan


my dearest apologies.
          it's been so long since i've been committed to this website, and i feel guilty due to my false promises of returning, my false promises of weaving stories with my mind. i am sorry for that, sorry if i let anyone down. 
          wattpad no longer fits into my life anymore; i do not see the need to write. i used to have all the time in the world to write, to please my fans and friends with ridiculously long fan-fictions, and my infamous cliffhangers. i greatly enjoyed my time here, but i need to stop lying to not only you guys but myself as well. i will remain on permanent hiatus indefinitely; maybe i'll return one day, who knows? but i am currently in my final two years of high school, making the best marks to follow my dream of becoming a psychologist. writing no longer fits into my dream.
          so now for some goodbyes. 
          moh; i adore you. you were one of my first friends on here, and i am forever thankful for your companionship. we still talk sometimes, but if you see this, know i love you. you have talent and you're gonna make such an impact on this world. 
          kelly; other than seeing your bright face on social media, i haven't spoken to you decently since 2014. for that i am sorry. your talent astounded me, and i was jealous of your writing. i always enjoyed your company. you're gonna do so much in life. 
          logan; we had our ups and downs. i haven't spoken to you in 2 years, i checked. i hope you're okay. i hope you're happy, wherever you are.
          rozz; i know this is your 'stage name' but i love it. we haven't spoken in 7 months, i'm not sure where you are or if you're okay, but i think about you a lot. i hope you're happy. 
          to everyone else; i hope you continue to read my works and enjoy them. write while you can, be happy while you can while doing what you love. i hope to come back someday soon, because i do have a story in mind, but today is not that day. i hope if i return, it will be with open arms. 
          - megan xo


so i just finished reading the hidden oracle (the first book in the trials of apollo series) and wow. reading again about some of my favorite characters rick created is so amazing. therefore, i may or may not write something related to the hidden oracle in odds and ends, so if you are a fan of my heroes of olympus fan-fictions please stayed tuned for little one-shots from the news series!
          (of course, only read them if you have read the hidden oracle.)


hi i'm alive. according to wattpad i haven't been on in three months? yikes. 
          i'm so sorry that i am inactive on here, i can blame my absence on school. (3 honors classes, an ap class, and advanced foreign language is not easy. oh yeah, plus mock trial.) 
          unfortunately i do not see me returning to wattpad in the near future. thing is, i don't feel the need to check in anymore, much less write. i wish i did, but i don't. 
          i hope you're all well and i miss you. seeing as it's almost 1:15 am i should leave. goodnight.


Hi, I'm Emma. And uh, well, last week I reread the Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus series. I'm now done your very talentedly written books, which gave me major feels and I loved them and you sound be an author one day seriously, and was hoping if you could give me recommendations for other well written, interesting fan fictions. (Preferably with Jiper and in the HoO part of the PJO fandom universe please.)
          I understand completely if you've got no time for my request, but I'd greatly appreciate it. It would make the bad part of my days a lot better.


@em_alex first of all, thank you so much! unfortunately i don't know any fan-fictions of that sort, apologies :(


          does anybody remember my story 'the anti-bully'? if so, please go check this out! i am rewriting it! i have changed the plot quite drastically, but overall the message is the same.
          i'm so sorry for being so inactive for months,which is why i am going to try like hell to stay active with this story.
          I AM SO EXCITED, I HOPE YOU ARE TOO! this is a new era for not only me, but for my writing as well. my writing has matured, in my opinion, and i have matured a great deal since i first began writing this in 2013.
          thank you all so much, i love you all!
          - megan <3


on saturday i saw one direction live for the second time, but this time it was different. i not only was 20 feet away from them, i also met my two best friends from twitter and met liam payne's parents. 
          why am i telling you this? i may be writing a few things my concert experience gave me. 
          don't give up on me yet, guys. i may not be writing so much anymore, but i'm still here. i'm still trying to get back for you. 
          - megan <3


oh my god, a year ago yesterday was my 3 year anniversary on wattpad. that's incredible, absolutely incredible. 
          thank you to everyone who has stuck by me for these 3 very long years, no matter when you joined my crazy adventure. thank you, thank you, thank you. i love you all!!
          p.s., i didn't post this yesterday because i was too busy puking every 10 minutes :-)
          p.s.s., ignore the message below. it sent early and now will not let me delete it. 
          - megan <3