
yes hello i am back but unfortunately i will not be re-opening breakfast graphics since school is kicking my ass !! and i still have 3-4 months before summer tho so AAAAAAAAAA


hiii ! do you remember me...? lolol. thanks for voting for ianav ;w; i was quite surprised you did sjsjsj. how are you btw?? you've been gone for quite a while ;—;


@warningwarming . imma tell you ,, you did the right thing ! social media can be really bad at times & im really glad you deactivated for your sake :") OH MY GOSH YES SJSJSJ I'LL BE DOWN TO READ THAT. hahaha same , i struggle with keeping myself motivated too. i believe you & i'll really look forward to it ^^ ~ dude you really are the sweetest , stop T—T i'll be sure to support on your future works too ~ ♡ likewise , if you need someone to chat / rant to i'll also be here ^^ hope you have a splendid day ahead of you too ! ^^ ♡ ~


@tsukiwiin it's fineee omg you're probably too busy and i understand <33 also I've been inactive because i recently just figured that i sorta feel constricted and pressured and i hated it a lot so i deactivated my twitter and decided to just do whatever i want without having to think about other people :DDD and i might publish my ffs who knows?? I'm just really bad at keeping myself motivated enough to finish them but i promise once i DO end up finishing this i might publish it!!! and omg my heart skipped a beat when u said i was sweet and kind >< you're literally the only person i still talk to in this app, despite me disappearing for a while and i think THAT is the epitome of sweetness and kindness <33 and also, as long as you're enjoying what you write, I'm here to support you stories and your growth as an author!! i mean, that's what friends are for right?? xdd anyway, I'll also be lurking around this little app in case you need someone to talk to, and I'll try my best to respond asap! (if ever wattpad allows me to get notifs on time) I'm always here for you and i hope you have great days ahead of you!! <33


@warningwarming . oh my gosh,, so sorry if it took me awhile to reply >< that's good to hear,, im glad you're doing well. may i ask why have you been inactive tho (on social medias & stuff,, if you're not comfortable telling me, it's fine lol). girl don't keep your ffs to yourself, publish them & share them to the world! sjsjsj. you're so sweet & kind, how can i not remember you??? thank you , i really appreciate your support :") don't expect from it too much, it probably won't reach your exquisite taste :P shshsh. if you need someone to chat or rant ,, my pms & mb are always open for you to spam on– hahaha. stay safe + healthy too ~ ♡