
Hi everyone, I’m sorry about being M.I.A for a bit, I’ve had lots do do for college and work so I’ve not really had time to do any writing. I also recently had an experience thats made my mental health a lot worse and I’ve been feeling shitty and kind of gross lately so I’ve not had much motivation, I’m going to try write the next chapter at get it out as soon as I can <3


Ive updated it now sorry it’s taken so long 


@watermelonsugxrhigh can u plz update "tied up" now??


Hi everyone, I’m sorry about being M.I.A for a bit, I’ve had lots do do for college and work so I’ve not really had time to do any writing. I also recently had an experience thats made my mental health a lot worse and I’ve been feeling shitty and kind of gross lately so I’ve not had much motivation, I’m going to try write the next chapter at get it out as soon as I can <3


Ive updated it now sorry it’s taken so long 


@watermelonsugxrhigh can u plz update "tied up" now??


Hey everyone, I went to the Apple store today and got my phone fixed so it shouldn’t glitch anymore! I should hopefully be able to update more often as I’m on my phone more and it’s less laggy, I’m gonna update both Larry books and the Reddie one soon so bear with me. Also thanks for reading and commenting on my books I really appreciate it and it really motivates me, I love you all x
          -Katie <3