
drop your insta IDs! I am more active there! Mine is @aisha0fcourse. 
          	also how are you all doing? 


@weasley20 I don't use or have Instagram. But I am good, how are you doing nowadays? 


Sorry, for hampering your space.
          Here is my one-shot story. I tried something different. And it will consume less of your time ;-) 
          Please, check it and give a vote and leave comments if it will worth that :-)
          Happy Reading...
          If you would like give it a space in your reading list and share it with your friends 



          Hope you are doing well. 
          I hope you still remember me. 
          I hope I didn't disturb you and sorry for spamming your message board. If you are accepting reading requests, I would like to let you know that I am writing a story. WHEN I'M WITH YOU... 
          If time permits please do read it. Hope you'll like it. Also do vote and feel free to leave comments. 
          Thank you for your time and consideration.


 Hi! How are you? Hope I’m not bothering you. I just published a new story about werewolves and lycans royalty and I was wondering if you’d like to check it out? I’d love to have your opinion.
          Thank you!
          Love, Jossie x


          Hey sorry to bother you but my friend is writing her first story. Do check it out and support her by reading and voting for it. Being her first time writing something like this she gets discouraged very easily and worries a lot. I hope you can help her by voting for the chapters of her story. Thank you so much and sorry if I disturbed you.


drop your insta IDs! I am more active there! Mine is @aisha0fcourse. 
          also how are you all doing? 


@weasley20 I don't use or have Instagram. But I am good, how are you doing nowadays? 