
@DarknessAndLight no problem. I love your stories! :D


hi lovely! Thank you so so so so so much for giving my stories 'Dusk and Dawn' and 'Abandoned Arrow' a try by adding them to your reading list! It means so much, really :) So thank you and I hope your day is going/went well wherever you reside in the world


Thanks so much for fanning! <3
          And hey, I for one have always wondered what the love-child of Barbie and the Pink Panther would look like. 
          I reckon he's (your profile's) pretty good looking xD
          But what's with your reading lists' names? They sound so freakin cool and now I wanna know if there's a reason.  
          And did you draw your profile pic?
          Because that too is hella cool. 
          Why do I sound so ghetto right now? 
          I'll blame it on the sugar doughnut (instead of the alcohol-chocolates). It'll make it less (illegal) sad. 
          So yeah. 
          Thanks again. I totally love you (and I'll carry on until the next person does) xD