
I’m going to be a bit slow for a little bit my uncle bob passed away last night due to a heart attack he passed away in his sleep and now he’s in heaven probably pestering my nana! There is another family member who’s about to pass away too so i night have a long break I will be on here like my normal schedule but mainly because I’m trying to avoid going through the pain of taking In the fact that he’s gone.


Frick I just relized that when I typed Uncle Tom it autocorrects to bob.


I’m going to be a bit slow for a little bit my uncle bob passed away last night due to a heart attack he passed away in his sleep and now he’s in heaven probably pestering my nana! There is another family member who’s about to pass away too so i night have a long break I will be on here like my normal schedule but mainly because I’m trying to avoid going through the pain of taking In the fact that he’s gone.


Frick I just relized that when I typed Uncle Tom it autocorrects to bob.


Man I’ve been quite busy sorry for not posting I also wanted to say that I’m currently going to be a bit random with my post mainly because I’m feeling quite strange because I’m struggling to accept myself as I keep questioning my sexually...I hope y’all don’t mind!


Thank you Lexi...*questions* wait where did you come from!?


Well I know I like both genders so I’ve got that so far! I’ll try to post a bit in between last night I posted another page of the lost light! Also what’s dysphoria?


Go check out My first page of  Chapter  1 of  my book The Lost Light!


HAHA! Autocorrect turned beginning to begging!!!


Yay! (Sorry) I’m just now begging to get followers on my art account (on another app) and my account for this!!!


Please and thank you!


@Lexi_Cheesedoodle oh and I keep on trying to convince my parents wrong and after several hours of crying I’ve decided to tell you. My parents have already enrolled me into homeschooling and next year I’ll be doing homeschooling and I was wondering if you still have wacky Wednesday if you would Gmail me on a different account I’m pretty sure they’re going to delete my school gmail account...