
Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
I just pierced my ears and there was some sort of problem with my left ear so that hurts like a bitch and unless my right ear it bleds a lot so thats fun...
          	Anyways I am really fucking happy that they are pierced cuz last time it went horribly wrong now I at least know there is something wrong with my left ear and my uncle also knows it cuz he pierced them


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
I just pierced my ears and there was some sort of problem with my left ear so that hurts like a bitch and unless my right ear it bleds a lot so thats fun...
          Anyways I am really fucking happy that they are pierced cuz last time it went horribly wrong now I at least know there is something wrong with my left ear and my uncle also knows it cuz he pierced them


Bedankt dat je mijn verhaal aan je leeslijst hebt toegevoegd!! :)


@ LunaLovegoooood  Yayyyy 


@LunaLovegoooood morgen komt het nieuwe hoofdstuk waarschijnlijk :)


So schrijf snel verder :)