
Writing, writing, writing.


I've decided to change a lot of A Deadly Game. I've just reread some of it and the writing style I wrote in isn't my cup of tea anymore. The basic plot, and mostly everything will remain the same but I'm changing some of the things the characters say because I find them not up to par with my beliefs of how a woman/man should be and act. The revised version will be much better I promise! 


@wereallgone  cant wait for you rewrite as i very much enjoyed your foirst 9 chapters. Cant wait till you update again.


@llveronikall I am trying really hard to finish a new chapter I promise but the only obstacle is that my writing styles have changed and I don't know how I feel about A Deadly Game anymore. I may be posting a new book soon, one that I will stick to, but I'll have to see. I'm super sorry. 


@wereallgone no worries,  but thank you for notifying ❤