
I have realized that if I advertise my Instagram on here I might get followers so uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnjhhhnhnnhnnhhhhñhhhhh~--------------> https://www.instagram.com/umlawty_arts/


I love dnf




*i chug my drink and slam it down loudly* Hah! You think you have it bad. I started thinking about scenes from an absolutely filthy kaeluc smut I read and seamlessly transitioned over to thinking of Jack Manifold in his joker cosplay while doing a math test. Interestingly enough I was still able to do it well. But still. Stuff like this has happened during other tests too. During another math test I started thinking about a song from a Starkid musical called "The trail to Oregon". During a music test once I started thinking about a song from Star Wars. Aight, Imma head out now *I stand, fall flat on my face and dissipate through the floor*


this message may be offensive
I finally had my therapists appointment so now I'm feeling less like a fruitfly covered in shit and glitter who's listening to a lecture on Tumblr history while trying to analyze the constitution of independence and doing 3 dance routines at the same time


I know very well that Wattpads' conversations feature is not supposed to be used like Twitter, but these messages will only reach like 17 people at most in an app that is saturated with more thirst and tons less political drama than the bird app. I think it's a better option for me than Twitter. And now that you're following me I can probably say that at least one person sees each of my posts. For that one person I say: "tune in every once in a while and see what my tiny, probably neurodivergent rhombus brain has for you this time! You might regret it!" *morphs into a platypus like an Animorphs book cover and patters away*


*walks in in Hamilton cosplay*
          I have an announcement to make:
          *unfurls comically rolled up parchment and sets glasses farther down nose bridge, clears throat* I have decided to pirate the Sonic the Hedgehog movie online. You may refer to a piece of media from 2008 that states  "You wouldn't steal a car," in reference to pirating content on the internet, but to that I shall say that I WOULD steal a car, if I so please. What are you? A cop? Mind your business bitchboy. *rolls paper back up again and bows before walking away*


I am the 12th follower


Congratulations @lillyfamily54321 for becoming the follower of a person who makes shitty comments on very age inappropriate content. That's a hell of an achievement :)) If you want your prize then you'll have to solve this riddle (it's in base64 ;))