
hello everybody i am (hopefully) back!


Hi I absolutely hate doing this but currently my past followers are dead, due to my two month break. I noticed your comment under a walking dead fan fiction and I’m currently writing one about Carl and It would mean a lot if u could check it out and maybe save it to your library if u enjoy it. Feedback and opinions are greatly appreciated as I’m trying to improve my writing due to my dyslexia:/


hello! sorry for the late reply, i've just started being active again. i would love to read your story, thank you for asking ❤️


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hello, sorry if any of y'all just saw a story posted by called some weird shit like 'Ghgg'. i'm high. jokes, i quickly posted it because i needed to see how many pages it was before i moved onto the next chapter. the app i'm using doesn't tell you how many pages it is, but it says how long it takes to read, which i like. it's six pages long btw.