
aLL oUr BrOkEn PiEcEs cRaCkEd 600 woooo !! 
          	so this probably, literally, technically, doesn't matter to anyone. it's also extremely pathetic cuz only six-hundred? pshhh. there are people out there with six million doofus BUT this is a new story (excuses, excuses) annnnnd it's pretty good for me lmao.
          	All Our Broken Pieces was born into this world on the 25th August so that's (*quick brain maths time*) like 3 months ago? a little less than 3 months ago? and wattpad is this huge, scary, epic community so if like 100 people had the nIcEnEsS to view my lil' baby, then that's more than enough for me x.
          	(i was gonna do this thing when I reached a thousand but my impatient ass is really quite impatient so wooo!!!)


aLL oUr BrOkEn PiEcEs cRaCkEd 600 woooo !! 
          so this probably, literally, technically, doesn't matter to anyone. it's also extremely pathetic cuz only six-hundred? pshhh. there are people out there with six million doofus BUT this is a new story (excuses, excuses) annnnnd it's pretty good for me lmao.
          All Our Broken Pieces was born into this world on the 25th August so that's (*quick brain maths time*) like 3 months ago? a little less than 3 months ago? and wattpad is this huge, scary, epic community so if like 100 people had the nIcEnEsS to view my lil' baby, then that's more than enough for me x.
          (i was gonna do this thing when I reached a thousand but my impatient ass is really quite impatient so wooo!!!)


i may or may not be planning a short story to release soon—
          (i literally have no idea why since my lazy self is having trouble updating all our broken pieces on time but short stories are meant to be…well, short right? i might publish it all in one go idk.)
          anyways it’s called ‘the truth about forever’ (pls don’t copy it, it took me so long to think of a vaguely pretty title) and the main character is called rain. 
          stay tuned i guess??? 
          x. jen


@whisphertothedark can't wait to read it! 


ahahskjdjdms THANK YOU!!! A multitasker indeed :’). I promise not to do suspicious stuff during school time though!!! 


I just started reading all our broken pieces last night and I just wanted to tell you to keep going! You have a true talent for writing <3


            is it really weird that you just made my day ?! is it ?! (well: you just did ). THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! the next update shall be coming *ominous wavy hands* sooooon. <333