
For some reasons, I’ve been obsessed with Hamilton recently and decided to make a little AU about the five during that time
          	Alex and Jocelyn are in New York, protesting for women’s right to vote and trying to get more attention towards the abolishment of slavery.
          	Eva is also in New York, the daughter of a very respected businessman and politician , going against everything his daughter believes in. Fed up with her father’s intolerance, she runs off into the city where she meets Alex and Jocelyn. 
          	Angus is on a trip with his parents to the states for a trip to New York when he sees a group of men trying to mug a group of girls. While valiantly trying to fend the thugs off, Angus is injured badly and the three girls he saved scoop him up and nurse him back to health in their small apartment. These girls are Alex, Eva, and Jocelyn (obviously) 
          	Marley is an ex-soldier, dumped from us base after he is severely injured during an accident. Back in his home city, New York, he reunites with an old friend of his he met in his army base’s nurse wing after he got hurt in a training accident. Seeing  as to go but some soup kitchen where he doubts he’ll last a week, he asks his friend if he can stay with her and some of her new friends. 
          	This honestly makes zero sense typed out but sounded really good in my head I hope you didn’t get a migraine after reading all this chaos.


@SwanSong3 I would honestly really like to write it but like you said, I have fifty million books going on so fingers crossed 


@MusicalandBook_Nerd you should definitely write it. Or maybe finish one of your other books first.


For some reasons, I’ve been obsessed with Hamilton recently and decided to make a little AU about the five during that time
          Alex and Jocelyn are in New York, protesting for women’s right to vote and trying to get more attention towards the abolishment of slavery.
          Eva is also in New York, the daughter of a very respected businessman and politician , going against everything his daughter believes in. Fed up with her father’s intolerance, she runs off into the city where she meets Alex and Jocelyn. 
          Angus is on a trip with his parents to the states for a trip to New York when he sees a group of men trying to mug a group of girls. While valiantly trying to fend the thugs off, Angus is injured badly and the three girls he saved scoop him up and nurse him back to health in their small apartment. These girls are Alex, Eva, and Jocelyn (obviously) 
          Marley is an ex-soldier, dumped from us base after he is severely injured during an accident. Back in his home city, New York, he reunites with an old friend of his he met in his army base’s nurse wing after he got hurt in a training accident. Seeing  as to go but some soup kitchen where he doubts he’ll last a week, he asks his friend if he can stay with her and some of her new friends. 
          This honestly makes zero sense typed out but sounded really good in my head I hope you didn’t get a migraine after reading all this chaos.


@SwanSong3 I would honestly really like to write it but like you said, I have fifty million books going on so fingers crossed 


@MusicalandBook_Nerd you should definitely write it. Or maybe finish one of your other books first.


I should probably also add if The End centered around Marley, The Five will also show up at some point. Some (If not all) will be important characters to the plot and some will only make cameos and show up for POTENTIAL  (keyword potential being as I literally have less than a thousand words on a single chapter of a book that came to me last night XD)  future books. I also want to center the book on one character because, in my other stories where there are multiple characters to get to know and see things through their eyes, I feel others get silenced and don't really get to shine in the way they're supposed to. I just wanted to add this to the post I just made.


Hi friends! So I was wondering if I should center 'The End' around Marley and is told through his point of view, which in turn would be in first-person. If you couldn't tell by all of my stories being written in third-person and being told by multiple people's povs, I absolutely suck at first-person XD I just wanted to go outside of my comfort zone and step outside of my usual writing style with this one. Tell me your thoughts on this idea


@TheNewspaperWeirdo  How you made that connection out of those two paragraphs is beyond me XD


@MusicalandBook_Nerd .............Thanos..........Friends................doesn't seem like the two words work


Hey, Aubrey here are some costume design suggestions for YTTSHT: so far...for Ace...I think it should be like a sky blue jumpsuit with an eye mask
          for Jocelyn...her power would be healing right?so I think she should have some sort of a white combat medic suit with angel wings so she could fly towards people that need healing,  for Angus...im thinking a kind of snow jacket with fingerless gloves and a hood, for Alex, im thinking a red jumpsuit with red-eye contacts (the ones that can change the color of your eyes), for Marley, im thinking a fur coat with brown gloves and a beanie. For Eva, I don't know yet...


For some reason, I'm re-reading the early chapters of Legacies and my writing was (and still pretty much is) so bad XD


Guys guys let’s just all agree that my writing is the worst


@MusicalandBook_Nerd wow..to both of you, your writing was awesome 


@MusicalandBook_Nerd let’s not talk about my early writing, much less my writing now XD


Hi friends! I just published a work in progress story, 'Your Typical Teenage Superhero Team' (I think the name's a bit excessive XD) The story is heavily based off theme from comics like The X-Men and Umbrella Academy so a lot of the themes in this story are mostly not my own. Hopefully, that's not how copyright and plagiarism works and if it is, please tell me XD


Hello, my very few friends! I'm on an oc creating block today and I need some for Legacies 2 (You're probably saying "But Aubrey, Legacies one isnt even finished. To that I say, you're right. My mind just works weird XD) so send some of your very own ocs! I'll try and give credit when these ocs are introduced in the upcoming book.


@MusicalandBook_Nerd when you put it like that....I guess so


@TheNewspaperWeirdo Which is why I said "My mind works in a weird way" XD