Hey dear author I wanna request you something I was reading a book from another author that's really pique my interest but unfortunately it's not complete and I really want to read the full book can you please complete the book named "Empress running away with a ball" i really appreciate if you complete it. Thnkew ❤️


Hi, I wanted to present my story, about two boys who live in a small town and decide to travel in search of the father of one of them. Along the way, they end up finding a time machine and teleporting to Ancient China. the great war.
           The story has LGBTQIA+ protagonism, impressive twists and lots of fun, the rating is +15, my tiktok profile is "laowen_edits"
  ?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link &utm_content=share_reading&wp_page =library&wp_uname=BabyJennie12&wp originator=RDKpLQenP8M3GpoEcIYF%2FY %2BQcGu5XwYUyG6ul7TuVihBljdRst V VnMRyzTpyjSs h2zN3v8UnGo54ICQgAC5sbedZ4iTz92U8cZWeahnzr JqbdtR373SQtosfZwxo20BD