
          	you're doing amazing right now.
          	even if you don't feel particularly amazing.
          	having you alive is such a blessing.
          	and i wish i was a lot smarter, to figure out more words to say how lovely you are.
          	because no matter what happens, you are beautiful beyond description.
          	because no matter what happens, you are powerful beyond description.
          	because no matter what happens, YOU are everything that this world could ever need.
          	you are truly stellar, in the most wonderful way.
          	and some people are blind, and won't see your beauty.
          	it's their loss anyways.
          	keep on dazzling everyone, you're doing great <3


@justalemongirl this was beautiful and very motivating, thank you


          you're doing amazing right now.
          even if you don't feel particularly amazing.
          having you alive is such a blessing.
          and i wish i was a lot smarter, to figure out more words to say how lovely you are.
          because no matter what happens, you are beautiful beyond description.
          because no matter what happens, you are powerful beyond description.
          because no matter what happens, YOU are everything that this world could ever need.
          you are truly stellar, in the most wonderful way.
          and some people are blind, and won't see your beauty.
          it's their loss anyways.
          keep on dazzling everyone, you're doing great <3


@justalemongirl this was beautiful and very motivating, thank you


I'm working on an Ask The Hamilsquad chapter, but I'm also quite busy-
          Expect it to come during this week <3


@cho_2004 I answered your dare! That's up now <3 I hope you like it!


Me, trying to learn to a bunch of songs:
          Me, because a random song got stuck in my head and Marina and The Diamonds is addictive: hOlLywOoD iNfEcTeD yOuR bRAIN yOu wAnTeD kIsSinG iN tHe rAiN- i'M oBseSseD wItH tHe mESs tHa mEsS thAt'S AMeRiCaaAA-


Dearest Sister Soph,
          Thank you! I just thought I'd write a letter format back, because why not? That's so sweet, and I really needed that. You're the best telepatic sister ever <3 I love you so so much! I am quite tired, and life is RIDICULOUS but I'm still strong. Thanks for reaching out to me. It means so much to me. Again, I love you-! Take care!
          Sincerely, Me!
          (Love those musical refs tbh)


Happy Birthday Ham Ham! :D


@Sophia_Rose___ HAPPY LATE B-DAY TO YOU TOO❤️❤️❤️






          Right now, even though I want to keep on going- I'm kinda hurt. I know people are never satisfied. They wil keep hurting. They will keep pushing, shoving, teasing, bullying. I've learned, over, and over, and over. I just don't understand. If I'm already on the ground, why step on me? If someone's already dead, why would you shoot them again? If someone's already bleeding and giving up, why would you keep going? It's happened again.
          But that's okay. I know they don't know I'm broken. They see my mask of confidence. And maybe that's better. Because they don't have more to scoff at. I know, I'm fragile. And truthfully, I know I say a lot;
          "I'm not doing this for attention."
          And I'm not. I'm not lying, but I still want that support. I want you to reach out to me and tell me it'll be okay. Because it's hurting. I can't hide it anymore. Please... if you're reading this, help me. In any way, shape or form.
          And I understand if you can't. I'm too lost now, and if you can't, don't feel guilt. I just want someone to talk to. Someone who believes in me. Someone who actually cares. I miss that. If you've read through this already, thank you. You cared enough to not skip through this. And maybe that's already a little bit better.
          I'm sorry. I'm just another person with a massive ego which needs to be fed. I'm really, really sorry.
          So please. Help me.. I could really use some help. It would mean so much.


If you were killed I wouldn't be at your funeral
          Because I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you
          We're friends, we ride together, we die together.
          Send this to all the people that you are friends with.
          If I don't get one back I understand
          If you get at least 3 back, you are loved❤❤❤


Sis ilysm but I don't do chainmail. Ty anyways and ur friend too :3