
A note to all past, present, and future readers who like and/or comment on my ish (ง'̀-'́)ง: 
          	I'd like to humbly offer a million "thank you(s)" for all the feedback, be it constructive or complimentary, and for the time taken to delve into reading what I've written. For some reason, Wattpad doesn't seem to notify me of interactions on a consistent basis, so I've missed comments here and there, some from very long (years in few cases) ago. ಠ_ಠ
          	I do want to say that as I review old works, be it for nostalgia or comparison for new stuff, I see the responses and likes, etc. and I value each element therein immensely! Though, I will confess that it may be a little too late to reply honorably at this point to ones from the aforementioned (years) ago, lol. I apologise for that and will make a point to check in a bit more often and let you guys know that I still have a small presence on here, though I probably won't be writing anything for a while. 
          	As I've said before, I never expected to get a significant amount of traffic on my stories just because there're so many on here, so all of it means the world to me! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
          	Thanks again! 
          	Much love,
          	~ B. 


Oh, and if I haven't already noted this outright, I did also scrap the new HP story detailed in my last post. It was a cool idea, but it's not in the cards atm. I may revisit it later! Anyway, yeah, thanks again! Wishing all of ya the best. ♡♡


A note to all past, present, and future readers who like and/or comment on my ish (ง'̀-'́)ง: 
          I'd like to humbly offer a million "thank you(s)" for all the feedback, be it constructive or complimentary, and for the time taken to delve into reading what I've written. For some reason, Wattpad doesn't seem to notify me of interactions on a consistent basis, so I've missed comments here and there, some from very long (years in few cases) ago. ಠ_ಠ
          I do want to say that as I review old works, be it for nostalgia or comparison for new stuff, I see the responses and likes, etc. and I value each element therein immensely! Though, I will confess that it may be a little too late to reply honorably at this point to ones from the aforementioned (years) ago, lol. I apologise for that and will make a point to check in a bit more often and let you guys know that I still have a small presence on here, though I probably won't be writing anything for a while. 
          As I've said before, I never expected to get a significant amount of traffic on my stories just because there're so many on here, so all of it means the world to me! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
          Thanks again! 
          Much love,
          ~ B. 


Oh, and if I haven't already noted this outright, I did also scrap the new HP story detailed in my last post. It was a cool idea, but it's not in the cards atm. I may revisit it later! Anyway, yeah, thanks again! Wishing all of ya the best. ♡♡


An announcement regarding "Forgotten Magic" a new insane HP story by ya girl.: 
          Aight everybody, I'm coming out of my cloistered state to write one more thing in an attempt at recharging prior to my subsequent re-ushering back into contemporary corporate life. 
          I want to write a novel as stated previously, and I'm trying to develop (more or less) my overall framing and style of said work, so I'm throwing everything in 'kitchen sink' style in a wildly erratic Harry Potter thing in which I incorporate the same religious elements I imposed upon poor Sebastian in As You Wish. 
          It's about Tom (Riddle not Felton (ง'̀-'́)ง), cuz he my boi and will be updated and tweaked at I see fit, so please let me know if you see anything or have any reccomendations on how to use better language or grammar, etc. 
          I'm opting for the fan-fic route rather than posting anything personal as my stuff got stolen last time. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) and I wish to avoid that. 
          Anyway, yeah, I hope you guys, whoever reads it, at the very least enjoys the experience. I write a lot of reader POV stuff so branching away from that stylistically is what I need to do the most. 
          Alright Alright Alright ~ thank ye kindly
          Ttys: ~ Bri. 


@the2anime_fanatics hey, same here! Thank you. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ That means so much to me. ^^ ♡♡ 


@windamore I've missed you, friend! You've got this and I believe in you!


@windamore oh, and an additional note, I still need to get me a computer so some chapters may be short at first and then elongated after I don't have to write on my phone like a tween. ಠ_ಠ


why do you hate yagami bro ಥ_ಥ
          also atla and korra yessss


@Dlanteyy for sure! Definitely my favorite one. ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ


@windamore oh i see
            yess, especially 3rd season, every episode just iconic


@Dlanteyy lololol I don't hate him as much as I joke about, I just was never on his side or agreed with his choices after he went all God complex on errybody...I did like him before that tho. ^-^ 
            And yayyy ATLA will always hold a special place in my heart. ♡♡♡ 


Something screwed up when posting the below SO I apologize but again ~ below is aaaaa
          Public Sevice Announcement via Brittany (me irl) : 
          It has come to my attention that I have been roasting women who find real life bad guys attractive and want to change them without taking into account my own circumstances. My ceaseless criticism was pure hypocrisy as I have been doing the SAME thing by having similar magnanimous aspirations for/towards *real* demons which I *mostly* believe in. As a Catholic I must confess that was mad stupid. 
          Like Theodore Robert Bundy, a demon/fallen angel will NOT change because a human ♡´・ᴗ・`♡( ˘ ³˘)♥︎༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ looooooveeessss  them. 
          So yeah.
          Sebastian/Leonard/Claude/All the Obey Me characters: aw bby let's help you ur so sweet deep down i bet 
          99.99999% of real demons: go f*ck yaself. Have fun where you're going. ✔︎✌︎
          ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ⁱˢ ᵇʳᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇʸ ᵇʳⁱᵗᵗᵃⁿʸ .LK. ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃʳᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉˡ ᵐⁱᶜʰᵃᵉˡ.✞︎☀︎︎


LMFAO evol. That's amazing. And yeah true. Episodes used to be better. There were a lot more free options and longer stories. 


@windamore Also, I love episode, I'm just sad that I have to pay for outfits to make people love me.


@windamore Yeah, they had powers. It was called Evol (I find it very funny that they just spelled love backwards), and only certain people had them, such as the MC and, conveniently, all the boys. You have to get a couple chapters in to learn that, and even further to realize why it's called Queen's Choice.


I make way too many characters virgins in my stories. Life imitates art up to a certain point but one man was about 10k years old and super hot and super evil. I'm sure he'd be DTF. Like, Come on, bruh.


Oh, hate myself for doing the humble brag. Not in general. Again #ipurpleubri #onelove 


Okay that was fun and an annoying humble brag and I kinda hate myself so I'm back to work now ... here I go... awayyyyyy


For the record I am also not at all overweight and never have been and also quite pretty, but I always make the MC think she's the thiccest thing on earth whose like a 5 at best. NO. IM NOT A 5. (T_T) and I modeled in NYC in high school. #loveyaself #army #imsostressedfromworkimactinghigh 


Yo I just found out this whole time Abberline from Black Butler is just named "Fred" and not Frederick. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Like ok its 1889 but I have a contemporary  nickname and nothing else. Its like how Tom Riddle from Harry Potter was just "Tom". He didnt even get the honour of the full grown "Thomas". Sad. (T_T)


@the2anime_fanatics hahaha I totally understand. Sometimes the emojis show up here and sometimes they don't. (;>_<;)


Well, it was laughing emojis. I forgot they didn't really work.. heheh...


this message may be offensive
          Eh, kinda. 
          SO, I have dedicated to forsake all updates on continuing stories (other than oneshots here or there), leaving my list of books completed. I also unpublished the ones that weren't done yet. This is mainly due to me feeling uninspired lately and believe that if my heart isn't in it, my writing will prolly suck. I'll devote my time to watching more animes and dumb weeb stuff, as well as work. 
          WHICH is going well. I'm up for a promotion and that will directly facilitate my working in London, which is my dream. 
          I will immediately marry some dude for his Visa upon arrival. (= ̄▽ ̄=)V
          I'll still be on here to check in on things so hmu whenever. I'm not leaving leaving. 
          Thanks for all the love! ♡♡♡


Lol. I tried to learn Japanese in order to satisfy my weebnsess, but gave up pretty quickly. Also WHAT? I've has Spanish for six years and I can only:
            1) count to ten, mabye 20
            2) Say basic words like 'hello' 
            3) I know some spanish collors
            Though it's probably because I never studied, and it's a miracle that I passed with a C.


@Mikazuki-01 oh cool! Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Whenever I get to go, I know I'll have fun. \(^ω^\) thanks! ♡ 


@windamore oh me too! I do travel a lot but not in France lol I've been to Japan too! It was amazing lol and so cool! When I went there , I also went to Korea and Taiwan during the same voyage! It was really really cool :) I hope you will be able to go next year!


          Does anyone else have issues with it? 


@the2anime_fanatics for sure. Couldn't have said it better myself! It's scary to lose stuff or even have the threat of losing stuff looming over us when we write. (`ロ´)


@windamore Yeah, I write everything in Google docs and then copy and paste it over. I once saved a story on my flash drive and it broke. I would've lost everything if I hadn't been emailing it to a friend to edit.
            But yeah. The app definitely needs some work. People shouldn't be losing stories like that. I've never lost anything to it, but my friend warned me about it when I first joined. Its had these issues for years.


@the2anime_fanatics omg yes! I saw that once and I flipped for like 2 minutes before I went to my original works account and saw it was all still there, I just couldn't see it on my own page. All in all, its wack, tbh. I've started backing everything up on my computer via Word. I had a friend lose all their work in one story and it was horrible.


          (I'm only moderately bummed) 
          Aight SO I realised I made a massive mistake in the story I wrote about Tom Riddle, wherein the only feasible solution to said mistake was to make the OC and Tom related. They shared too many powers. Too OP. 
          Since that's probably nonsense to most of you, I'm just leaving it there. I'm almost done with all the *full* stories I'm gonna write from a fan standpoint. (I'll probably hop in for one shots indefinitley) The last two are:
          Epicurean (the Tuskiyama/Tokyo Ghoul one & In Excelsis Deo (the Kira/Death Note one). 
          The former will be short and easily finished while the latter will be fun and simply written. Very colloquial. 
          I'm a bit sad about letting the Tom one go, since I like him a lot, so I might write a one-shot instead, and leave it at that. Or I might not. 
          Anyway, this is to let everyone know. I'll stop there. 
          Thanks to all who see it and all who have read my stuff ♡♡♡ 
          ~ Britt 
          (Oh! And there was actually, another one that I wrote about another Tom, which was Called 'Reality Check' that I once was excited about, but then was discouraged by because I put a great deal of figures and features from my real life that changed in it and I dont wanna write about them anymore lol SO, that was a fun thing to write up and that character will forever have a special place in my heart, but the story is at standstill for now. I might write about him later, or but probably not, and for now, this is what's finna happen. It's been an aspiration of mine to finish what's on here. And it's close! Two more books, then I shall move on to original works. (^O^)/


@windamore oh nooooo! you poor thing! 