
Hey everyone
          	I know I've been away for a long time but it's trying to balance school and writing. However I found a method to help me make sure you all receive and enjoy the stories.
          	For the story that was love at first sight has now changed to Troubles... Same characters just a different story line. I didn't want to jump into the lovey dovey life. I wanted this new title to show pain and struggles of the main characters.
          	I may not be good at pure narration storytelling but I hope my dialogues can help you Invision yourself as each character with their mood swing changes..
          	Hope you enjoy the new and improved story 


Hey everyone
          I know I've been away for a long time but it's trying to balance school and writing. However I found a method to help me make sure you all receive and enjoy the stories.
          For the story that was love at first sight has now changed to Troubles... Same characters just a different story line. I didn't want to jump into the lovey dovey life. I wanted this new title to show pain and struggles of the main characters.
          I may not be good at pure narration storytelling but I hope my dialogues can help you Invision yourself as each character with their mood swing changes..
          Hope you enjoy the new and improved story 


My fellow people, tomorrow I am continuing with love at first sight and I'm gonna also be posting  a new book called Insanity.  For all of you that know my obsession with Kpop just know were this story is going.  The story is based on 10 girls embarking their life on college but meet the Kpop groups such as BTS and SF9 who are also getting ready to embark their journey before the hit their first debut stage.  For your information  this is not based on the new mobile game there releasing but this based off my love for both groups and how I wish the best for them, so get ready for the books people.  Love you all


Going offline till August as I write exams soon therefore phone been taken away but don't worry I'll  be around and waiting and those very important messages they need to tell me just flood my DM with them and I'll make sure that when I'm back I'll read them and respond even if u forget I'll remind you.  Till August everyone 


Omg! Bye!!! 


Merry Christmas everyone I hope u enjoy this day and those that were born I'd like to say happy birthday as well.  Let's keep this joy and happiness all the way into 2019...


Right back @ ya