
Hey there my fellow bibliophiles! It's been a while since I've seen the familiar orange web page  but I'm back.  I've republished some of my short stories and would really love if you would check them out.  I'm hoping to start writing again during the summer holidays so keep your eyes peeled for updates but that's all for now.  Hope you have/had a wonderful day/night,
          	wispycat xx


Hey there my fellow bibliophiles! It's been a while since I've seen the familiar orange web page  but I'm back.  I've republished some of my short stories and would really love if you would check them out.  I'm hoping to start writing again during the summer holidays so keep your eyes peeled for updates but that's all for now.  Hope you have/had a wonderful day/night,
          wispycat xx


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting Entwined into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. have fun finding clues and solving the mystery! ♡


Thank you for supporting Lemon Drops & Candy Shops in The Fiction Awards! :)
          (Also I love your username haha)


@KellyGe You welcome; I love your writing and couldn't resist when I saw it!
            Thank you, my cat is called Wisp, but we always call her 'Wispycat', which is how I got my username. :)


Yo, yo, yo! I'm back.  I'm starting to take down Ardea and Untitled because I haven't had much more inspiration and am just feeling like they are going nowhere.    Looking back at the posts that I've put up here almost a year ago saying I would update my stories, but it still hasn't been done.  I'm going to try and start with some more ideas that I've had, but I can't promise anything.
          Please go and check out @snapitsbrittany 's wonderful book Paper Thin (With Audrey Hepburn on the cover!): https://www.wattpad.com/story/64158395-paper-thin


@wispycat oh my gosh! Thank you so much! <3


Hey peeps!
          I have made Chapter 2 of UNTITLED longer, by adding Chapter 3 to it.  I am aiming to start making my chapters longer, so this is a start. I am working on the next installment to UNTITLED, and will keep working  in ARDEA. The plotline of ARDEA needs a bit of work, so be prepared for it to take awhile or a long time.
          wispycat xx