
Okay my lovely rat bastards, go ahead and tag me for me to reply! I desperately need a distraction, so...
          	- Bleu


So I'm somewhat back! I miss all of you so so much. I promise I will get to replying soon. My mental state is sort of evening out. I'll probably reply tomorrow. 


I hope you feel better and my PMs are open if you need to vent <3 


I’m glad to hear that you’re doing a bit better!! If you need to talk, I’m here!!


What a way of starting 2021 off. Crying into a pillow at 3am. Heh... Welp. The only way is up  I guess...


Are you alright? I’m here if you need me!!


Aww I’m sorry about that. Is there anything you need to talk about? Or maybe even need a virtual hug? 


Due to a loss of a family friend, I don't know if I'm going to be able to reply any time soon. This year has taken it's toll. I need to take a break and focus on getting back into therapy. I might be on to roleplay to get my mind off things but I for the most part will not be on. 
          Love, Bleu.


***REGARDING YESTERDAY'S ANNOUNCEMENT*** Please understand that this means I will most likely be roleplaying a little less, but I will try and get answers out. I will probably be back into the swing of roleplaying when Winter Break comes around, but I'll be working on characters for the next few days. Take care my darling gremlins!!


No worries! School gets a little hectic sometimes, that’s how mine is too. Just take your time and do what makes you happy ^~^ 


          Hello my lovelies! So. I will be CLOSING my RP BOOK, HOWEVER this is simply so that I may do some edits on the characters, make it a little more detailed, and work on more characters! So my book will be down and closed for a time. If you have an rp with me on the books, I would recommend you move it to the pms or discord~ Thank you!


Ton* (sorry, just realized my typo XD) 


Oh hey, we have a roleplay in PMs but can we move it to Discord please? I’m not on Wattpad a tone anymore. My @ is LostCinder#4247


Hello my beloved gremlins. I haven't been feeling well, probably the flu not to worry. I'm going to be resting a lot and I haven't been in the best mood as of late. I will be reply soon, however. I just need to get a hold on my school work. 
          Stay safe, wash your hands and I'll see you all soon!!!


I'm just... tired I guess. I fight, I get better, I fall, and I get worse. Idk why people talk to me or try to understand me when all I seem to do is fail over and over again. I push people away, and over share. But it's funny because I share so much but so little at the same time. I'm open about being queer, nonbinary, and a witch with trauma. But I know for a fact that I could have it worse, and I know that people have it worse. I just suck it up and shove it to the back of my mind. Nothing really matters to me anymore and if it does, then I just end up shoving it away. Anime has always been a comfort for me, even if it got dark. But my family insists on how stupid it is, or how it doesn't make sense, or laugh at me because I like it. They make fun of my music tastes, how I dress. They barely acknowledge my existence. Most of the time when they do talk to me it's a scolding. Freshmen year, I take classes that were easier and my parents called them "Stoner classes" and then senior year, I take AP classes and dual credit classes so that I can impress them, but when I tell them 'hey I'm struggling, can I have a break' they just yell at me and tell me it's my fault that I chose those classes. I just... I don't know what to do. Quarantine isn't helping any of this, and my parents won't even let me see my friends any more. It hurts and I'm just so done with everything. Damn I know that people have it worse, but sometimes I wish I could just disappear and never have to worry about it again. 
          I'm sorry if you read this. I'm just upset. I'll get over it.
          love, Bleu


I wish I could physically be there to talk to you, I know online stuff doesn’t help nearly as much. And I know you might get sick of the cliche stuff like “you’re not alone and there are people who care”, but that cliche stuff is true. I’m more than willing to be there for you whenever you need to talk or even just find solace in knowing that someone is there. If your family is too blind to see how great you are then they don’t deserve you, they are the ones in the wrong, not you. I know it may be hard to believe that things get better but I swear on my life they really do, even if it’s just a little. Just because some people have it worse doesn’t make your problems invalid. Saying you shouldn’t be allowed to be upset because other people have it worse is like saying you shouldn’t be happy because some people have it better. Your problems are valid and you deserve just as much support as anyone else. I sincerely hope things improve for you and I wish I could do more to help ❤️


@witchy-vibes- Bleuuuuu :(( I give you virtual hugssss