
I've published a shortened variation of Coming Home on Tap! https://taptap.app.link/QM5FUdMpcB


Hello all! A new chapter of tmlotg should be coming out sometime in this following week but I'd really love it if you checked out my newest short story, called Coming Home. It's purely dialogue, which was a challenge as in tmlotg there is almost no dialogue as of right now, and I'm really proud of how it turned out! Thanks!
          xoxo, Jo


Hello Jolie! So I've found your story, The Many Lives of the Girl, and I have a question. What application did you use to make the cover? I loved the cover, especially the story! (*^▽^*)


Aw, thank you! Actually, my friend @poneighboycurtis made it for me. I'll be sure to let her know you liked the cover! xoxo


"Thanks," I tell her. "You too." I don't tell her what that thank you really meant, because the drive-thru window is already closed, and I am too far off to tell her anymore.
          I look up, and notice that the storm is over, and the sky has now turned to a pale blue. The first signs of morning.
          Maybe my storm is almost over, too.
          Or maybe it has just begun.
          Excerpt from life #6, coming out in three minutes!