
coming back to the account after two years to see people still enjoying my fics from two-three years ago is very heartwarming. I’m still very much a carat and very much love seventeen with all my heart and that will never change. All my writing in the last couple of years has been pretty much been just for me and my friends but I do want to publish again soon. I’ll be doing it on AO3 if anyone is interested on seeing what I’ll have over there hopefully soon (I’m ilylsm). I’ve been considering deleting this account permanently but I’ll keep it up as an archive for myself and for people to continue to enjoy the stuff I’ve wrote (even if I think none of it is very good lol). I hope you all are doing very well and continue to enjoy what Ive made <3


coming back to the account after two years to see people still enjoying my fics from two-three years ago is very heartwarming. I’m still very much a carat and very much love seventeen with all my heart and that will never change. All my writing in the last couple of years has been pretty much been just for me and my friends but I do want to publish again soon. I’ll be doing it on AO3 if anyone is interested on seeing what I’ll have over there hopefully soon (I’m ilylsm). I’ve been considering deleting this account permanently but I’ll keep it up as an archive for myself and for people to continue to enjoy the stuff I’ve wrote (even if I think none of it is very good lol). I hope you all are doing very well and continue to enjoy what Ive made <3