
I'm thinking quitting Wattpad for a while, not forever, but just for a while. I've got problems at home, problems at school, I've lost almost all my friends, and it doesn't help when I get tons of messages on here everyday telling me to update "Spaces Between." I only update when things are going good, and right now, things are awful. I love Wattpad, so I won't be gone forever. I'll probably be back within a few months. I'm sorry. 
          	I love you all to the moon and back, sorry. Xoxoxo


I'm thinking quitting Wattpad for a while, not forever, but just for a while. I've got problems at home, problems at school, I've lost almost all my friends, and it doesn't help when I get tons of messages on here everyday telling me to update "Spaces Between." I only update when things are going good, and right now, things are awful. I love Wattpad, so I won't be gone forever. I'll probably be back within a few months. I'm sorry. 
          I love you all to the moon and back, sorry. Xoxoxo


Being used, being forgotten about, pretending to be liked, being betrayed, I've been through it all with all of my ex- best friends. One almost had me arrested. One only used me for money. One only pretended to like me. Four just left me. Now I'm losing this one too. She's been with me the longest, (4 yrs.). I kinda hoped she'd be different. I guess I was wrong… 


this message may be offensive
Ugh, why does life have to suck so bad?? I've got school issues, family issues, not only that, but I just found out today that my best friend is cutting herself. Life is getting harder every freaking day. I just want to explode. I'm not even on Wattpad that much anymore thanks to lots of stress. My crush asked out another girl, and to make matters worse, she somehow found out I like him and she told the whole school. It's just so… UGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna scream and shout and let it all out (get my song reference?☺️). I would scream right now, but my parents are asleep. So I'll just yell on here. 3…2…1… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I just had to let it out. But I'm gonna yell in person tomorrow. I just want someone to talk to. Anyone wanna message me? I'm gonna be on Wattpad all day after school tomorrow :)   I on,y update my stories when I'm in a good mood, so you'll probably have to wait a while… Please don't kill me. I'll um… um… HEY!! LOOK OVER THERE!! IT'S THE WORST SINGER ON THE PLANET, BECKY G!! *Runs* *Falls* *Gets up* *Runs again*


Hey Love! How are you? Would you mind checking out my book "His Sister's Bestfriend" (Zayn Malik)? It would mean alot of you keave votes and comment too. I would love to return the favour. Thanks :) xx


@Music__Lover_98 Thnku. Hope u like it :) xx


Of course! I'll check it out right now :)


I mean to say I like one direction I was just reading a Shawn Mendes book from one of my followers and I was thinking about so I kind of said his name like,laugh,joke about,and reply it doesn't matter what u say say what u feel like saying u can even curse I'm just going laugh I ain't gonna report u because that's how u feel and I told u to feel free to do it so don't worry Killeen


@alquevia I would NEVER curse at someone. And don't worry, that's okay. :)


I love Shawn Mendes but I got just 1 question do anyone like Justin Bieber I just wanna u know ask even though this is a one direction convo. I just gotta ask it okay to like more than 1 singer but my top top top singer that I like the most is Justin Bieber than one direction I went to that performance that same day I just didn't post my pic because I like Justin oh and I made a book about love I would love for someone to read it. It has Justin Bieber's pic and say love as the title give comments/like and reply back say what ever you want feel free to say it 


@alquevia I'm NOT a Justin Bieber fan, but it's okay if others like him. I LOVE Shawn Mendes, and I wish he was at Triple Ho (the concert I went to). I'm more of a Directioner though. People have different opinions. Some people like One Direction and others don't. Some people like Justin Bieber and some people don't. :)   It's good that we're all different because life would be super boring if we all liked the same things. I swear though, if Justin Bieber performed at Triple Ho, I would've booed him. Thank goodness he didn't. :)   I'll read your story anyways though. Just because it's a fan-fiction of a singer I don't like, it doesn't mean I can't like the story :)   I love it when people ask me to check out their stories, and I would love to read yours. 


Hey love! If you could check my story I'd really appreciate it.Trying to show people my talent in writing FanFiction . Not forcing You, Check it when you want.
          Infinity|| Niall Horan 
           bye xoxo 


I'd love to to check out your story! One Direction is my life, and Niall has always been my favorite! I'll check out your story :)