
Sketchy. Rly sketchy


Hiii beautiful author and readers..
          Can u please check out my new books, it's a simple and lovely story of some kids trying to give a little push to their two male teacher whom they believe have massive crush on each other... Do you think they can achieve this or someone will come between them do read to find out...
          Can you please tell me in the comments which famous ship you think they are... •_-
          Here the link for chapter 2


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          This is one thing i will forever hate my grandparents for. They should've aborted that thing as soon as they knew it was going to be born


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Lmao when you thought your mother wouldn't abuse you anymore but then she almost fucking makes you pass out from all the beating and then suddenly there are brand new scars on your face and body :D 
          Like, couldn't she leave the face?? I already feel so fucking ugly and now I feel hideous. 
          K anygays, that's how i couldn't go to school today 


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That's it. Im done. Im fucking done. My mother should just kill herself wtf is wrong with her???? She makes me feel like im pathetic, that i don't have a right to live. What thr fuck bitch??? Is it my fault your husband didn't find you appealing enough and cheated on you??? Is it my fault he kicked us out??? Is it my fault that my so called "farther" tried to kill me and rape me??? IS IT MY FUCKING FAULT. THAT CRAZY ASS BITCH. SHE'S FUCKING CRAZY. Im done. Im really fucking done. And the mental and physical scars she's given me is already enough. And on top of that she keeps making me hate myself more and more each day. Keeps telling me that i should've born dead. WTF DID I EVEN DO????? Im a tortured and traumatized INFP, so i can't say anything or voice out anything. I was an ENFP before, but the abuse, torture and that daily shit has fucking made me suicidal. Fuck, im concerned if im going crazy. I CANT FUCKING BREATHE. I want an escape. I can't do this anymore. I cant even kill myself. Just my luck. Its not allowed in my religion. Or i swear to FUCKING GOD. ID KILL MYSELF WHEN I WAS SEVEN.


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Also I'd like to be friends, not out of pity or to help you change ur mind or some shit just to be friends cuz nGl I'm in no position to be telling anyone to just hang in there cuz this world is fucking shat, so like yuh


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@worldwide_dimples I promise I'm not trying to be rude or anything and I'm not encouraging this, but if you feel as tho killing yourself is what's gonna help you be free or feel better then ig do it, even if it's illegal cuz umm ur fucking dead tf they gonna do? Put a dead body jail or sun shit? And ur mother sounds like a disgusting ass bitch who should be burning in fiery asshole like the flaming pile of shit she is


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Well, she's an unhealthy one. Just my luck. Im sorry, but i kind of hate ISTJs now. Ive SEEN and EXPERIENCED how manipulative, controlling, criticizing, abusive and short tempered they are. I don't know the point of this rant. No one can help me anyway. I'll just have to accept my fate. And get married before i evem fucking turn 17 just like my mother planned. To a fucking pedophile. Honestly, tell me if i should kill myself and fuck it. Cuz i don't want ANYTHING to do with whatevers happening to me anymore.