
'Dark Fae' chapter one is a little slow, sorry! But it's almost ready  It'll be up in the next 24 hours.


just finished bad fae and it was amazing! any news of when the next book will be released?


@soggychips__ oh, thanks so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed it  My hope is book two will start releasing by the end of this coming week. I've almost finished chapter one, but other deadlines have been slowing me down unfortunately.


Hi! I love your story “Bad Fae” so far! I’ve always enjoyed reading fairy books, so evil fairies are def a plus! They’re so interesting! I can’t wait to read more I already love the characters. 
          If you would like to support me in return, feel free to read my new ongoing story “The Divorce.” I would love to hear feedback from a talented writer such as you!


After 3 years I can proudly announce I have finished the funniest opening chapter in the history of literature. More in pipe line. I am bursting with creativity. Check superpower, read, vote, enjoy and follow. I will do the same for you 



Are you still sending out Accidentally Perfect's special epilogue if we write a review? I really want to know what happens to them later on.


@LifesLikeRoses embarrassingly, I still have a bit of it to finish, but then I will be yes! I'll hopefully have it finished in the next week or so. If you're interested, just email me a screenshot or link to your review and I'll send you a download link as soon as it's ready 


Thanks for the follow back. I hope we can enjoy each others work x


@ObssiveFangirl99 no problems :) I'm pretty awful at reading on here, but keen to make friends and will get around to reading sometime! Looking forward to it x


Have given up trying to update stories regularly and am now just going to update what I've got when I've got it. BUT I am trying to focus on particular books. If you want to see more of something, let me know and I'll add it to the short-list.