
Dear Followers,
          	I have just begun to write a new story, called Time With A Vampire. It will be a depiction of Trinity's time with Alistair, told in memory fragments. Do not fear, there will be NO pedophilia!


Please let me know if you will be updating ur story's bc I would love to follow u I find ur story's really good but I wouldn't want to add them in my library just to find out u won't be updating them and I think that would be SUCH a WASTE of someone with a talent like urs these books I've read r really amazing so please consider finishing what u have started bc ur followers r counting on u u take us on a wonderful journey into ur imagination and I for one can't wait to c how it ends I already read rejected I would love to c how it ends.   So again please let me know if you will be updating any of ur story's and thank u for letting me share apart of ur imagination.


They’ll be pretty far and spread out, but yes, I’ll be updating them as soon as I can. I’m almost done with a chapter.


Can you plz tell me when you will update rejection I love that story so much and hope to read more of it soon


Probably by the end of the week


As far as Rejection, I'm nearly done with chapter 3. And with The Broken One, I'm about to update too. They'll be up soon!