
The abyss 
          	I just published " #17 (MJ)" of my story "Birds & Quotes". http://my.w.tt/UiNb/RxgW5dWbbE


Also  we are of course  here to help but helping while blind will only get us so far. We have no problem  helping  you guys with all things writing . But we could do a better job at it if we knew what you need help or advice  for. It would make our self appointed jobs easier if you guys communicated much  more. 
          Just a thought  


My OCD is kicking  my behind I'm pretty sure I change the account  pictures more than anyone else . I really feel bad for the other admins. But I can't  help it and I'm good at it. *shrugs*  lol . A new quote and advice piece are coming  soon -MJ