
To publish books by chapter or by part? I do enjoy writing by part. I was just thinking that if I did it by chapter it would take less stress off of writing. but, I think I'm going to just go and publish by part although the parts are just drafts right now. I guess I will finalize the parts as I go. You will get to see the full process!


To publish books by chapter or by part? I do enjoy writing by part. I was just thinking that if I did it by chapter it would take less stress off of writing. but, I think I'm going to just go and publish by part although the parts are just drafts right now. I guess I will finalize the parts as I go. You will get to see the full process!


Okay so I'm back! I don't know how long it's been but I got my spunk back. These past two years have been insane for me and now that I'm in a stable mindset and household I can get back into doing what I love. Writing for you guys! I'm editing the first part to my "new" book called Stockholm. It was originally called Is He Obsessed? But l I deleted it, long story. But the entire series will be returning FOR GOOD so read along with me as I write along. Andrew, Bella, Hayden, Samantha, Hasen, Nola, Emmalynn, Matthew, Hazley, Lyric and myself have all missed you! Yes, I know it's a lot of characters to name, so many I may have even forgotten some. But if you want to follow my journey go ahead an add Stockholm to your reading lists!


wait, just kidding! it’s going to be called The Shade Of Crazy 


i can’t find itttt