Hi there!
The Names Marci
And here some random facts about me...

>I'm 15
>I lovvve the TV show Adventure time, guess what my favorite character is...Marci of course!
> single, but who cares, right? Single is better anyway CX
>I'm only half American and the other half of me is Mexican, comes from my mom's side CX
>favorite color is purple..?
> my older sister is 20, her name is Addi
> I have a very over protective older brother named Gabe...lucky me
>I was a honest love for reading
>starbucks ,is just..Unf awesome so is taco bell and pandas xD
>I have braces
> and I wear contacts, most of the time blue colored.

¡hola mi mensaje pronto! (Hi there message me soon!)
  • Ohio :)
  • JoinedMarch 28, 2014