
I am back! I am actually kinda sad cos Halloween is over!



@RainWriter2021 Woah! Yep sure. No problem. Keep writing!!! You can do it. 


20 years ago I was busy watching Blue's Clues and there's no class due to a typhoon, I love that show because it simply portrays how easy it is to find clues and solve mystery and some question that bothers Steve and Blue but as soon as Steve leave the house it feels like a void is starting to grow in my chest. 
          But now I am older I thought that life was gonna be simple, I thought I will be able to figure things out because that is how Steve taught us that its easy to figure things out, its easy to find clues but it isn't. I had to go through hell, I have received comments that I wasn't supposed to hear, my father even doubted my capability despite of the fact that I sacrificed everything to make him proud. 
          Seeing Steve having a closure with us feels so different instead of him singing, dancing, and drawing he talked about student loans, job, and generally our lives. How it is hard to figure things out and to get the job that we wanted. I almost bawled my eyes out. I cried! 
          But Steve told us the thing that we all wanted to hear for years. For almost several decades no one said "I am proud of you" to me but Steve did! Its special because he became a part of my childhood where life is easy, fun, and worthwhile. I can still vividly recall how happy I am solving the questions. 
          For us and for everyone out there who are having a hard time in life we will all pass this! We might not be able to find clues quickly but we will soon. We will figure things out. WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU ARE DOING IT IS WORKING.