
OH MY GOD GOISSSSSSSS!!!!!! I AM SO SORRY!!!!! I haven't updated in forever! Its been so long that both Alex and Shannon have changed their hair colors more than once! Well...that doesn't really say much considering how they change them almost every week XD
          	Anyway I wanna explain for leaving you awesome people without Johlex imagines...so here we gooooo....
          	I Kind of lost my Password....and just recently I remembered where I put it, so now I'm back in my account, so Yay! 
          	I will update tonight, hopefully I don't forget! 
          	I am kinda busy at the moment but I just had to update you guys, so I gotta get going, but you guys can nag me all day reminding me to update. Love you guys and thanks for being patient and understanding <3


OH MY GOD GOISSSSSSSS!!!!!! I AM SO SORRY!!!!! I haven't updated in forever! Its been so long that both Alex and Shannon have changed their hair colors more than once! Well...that doesn't really say much considering how they change them almost every week XD
          Anyway I wanna explain for leaving you awesome people without Johlex imagines...so here we gooooo....
          I Kind of lost my Password....and just recently I remembered where I put it, so now I'm back in my account, so Yay! 
          I will update tonight, hopefully I don't forget! 
          I am kinda busy at the moment but I just had to update you guys, so I gotta get going, but you guys can nag me all day reminding me to update. Love you guys and thanks for being patient and understanding <3


okayyyyyyy.....I know I ment to update, and write the first imagine for the Johlex imagine book.....but I kinda got busy.....with warped tour..... soooo...imma update it now....and if there isn't an imagine in there by tomorrow, I give you all a free card to yell at me.
          soo, since I don't want to be yelled at, imma get onto writing, so yeah, byeee


Hey, I'm new to wattpad, well not really, but i AM new to this account.
          If you could follow me that would be AMAZEBALLS
          I will follow back....unless youre a creeper....
          anyway, so follow me, a ame weirdo, for a follow back.
          (btw, i plan on writing something that has to do with my digital escape)