
Chapter 2 for LARCENY is outttt


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I'm gonna unpublish larceny for a bit cuz sum feels off about the setting and the other half of the first chapter. Also, the present tense is bugging me, I think I'll switch to past tense or some shit


@Noeul_l lol imma work on the first chap rn, n I'll see if I can put it back up today


@xXItsYoGirlAriXx I was gonna read this tomorrow


Hi bro!


@xXItsYoGirlAriXx Oh well prepare well for the exams cause no other option ✌️


Hello dear,
          Sorry for dropping at random. If you find it intrusive feel free to delete the comment. I  wanted to tell that I have started a new book on similar genre to eyes never lie. 
          A top tae murder mystery thriller. it would mean a lot if you could check it out.... though no pressure. Have a great day army ^^ ^^ 


*sigh* how to begin this... 
          To whoever is reading this, feel free to make your day better by my misery
          So I was taking a shower, you know like majority do, and I'm taking this wonderful asf shower—when I stop the tap and look down. 
          The water was just standing. So I push the shower curtain AND MY WHOLE DAMN BATHROOM IS LIKE FLOODED. 
          I panic and grab a hanger to shove it down the drain cause wtf you ain't working for—but there wasn't anything in there—and the water was still standing. 
          So I change and go to my napping mom who gets mad and tells me to go to my dad. 
          My dad comes over, gives the bathroom this DISAPPOINTING look and then tells me not to use it for the time being. 
          Wtf is my life


@Noeul_l I would be devastated if my books got destroyed:⁠-⁠P glad you're okay!!


@xXItsYoGirlAriXx hopefully it stops, leakages are terrible, 


@xXItsYoGirlAriXx  we're okay, it was just my room so my things, my books are mostly destroyed  。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。 but that's fine I guess I can get them again


Sorry for dropping at random, if you find my intrusion rude then feel free to delete them comment. but i would love if you can give a try to my book Hi dad. Its a top kook werewolf au where kook is a single dad. Its inspired from hi nana movie. Though no pressure, ita fine if you don't. Have a great day army


@taekookarchive0112 it's no problem. I checked out your stories and I think you're talking about Fate's play? It seems interesting, I'll give it a read after my exams end in a month!


@xXItsYoGirlAriXx  oh okay no issues.. though i saw your reading list and just wanted to tell that I have written a top tae mystery thriller too in similar genre to eyes never lie....if you find it interesting then would mean a lot if you check it out...no pressure though and thanks for responding....^^


@taekookarchive0112 oh hi! I'm sorry but I'm not finding you're story interesting or to my taste, and I don't really read werewolf au's either. But I hope you get others support, bcz trust me it's a rlly big accomplishment to complete a book. I've barely started my own and I'm having Hella trouble! Good luck tho bestie, you got this (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠)