
I don't know if anybody has pointed this out yet, but your content is absolutely amazing! I love your stories, even though I've just started them; They're super easy to understand, seeing as you give every detail perfectly! I also love you art so much! It's so adorable and well-made! I'm sorry if I bother you at all with this, but I just needed to say just that, especially since you are super inspiring! I hope as time goes on, you become more noticed as an inspiration to others!!! ♡


@xXpaeXx Of course! Just don't push yourself too hard, your mental and physical health is always more important than anything else! ^^


@lily-might-lie Thank you so much I really appreciate it!! Don't worry, I LOVE feedback, you not bothering me at all. It means a ton for you to write a whole paragraph about my work.. I'm so glad your enjoying my stories, I'm trying my best to push on❤