
Every person is just, a person. The very people you want to impress or be a part of are just people. Even if they seem wildly intimidating because of the way they look or because of their reputation, everyone is just a person. Human. As embarrassing, as remorseful. And, they are going through stages of growth just like you are. We only see what we want to see and then drown ourselves further in our own sadness and we really don't have to.


Every person is just, a person. The very people you want to impress or be a part of are just people. Even if they seem wildly intimidating because of the way they look or because of their reputation, everyone is just a person. Human. As embarrassing, as remorseful. And, they are going through stages of growth just like you are. We only see what we want to see and then drown ourselves further in our own sadness and we really don't have to.


We all are a little heartbroken. Some will sleep with a smile on their face tonight whereas some will fight back another nightmare. some are busy packing their bags to start a new journey away from home whereas some are still struggling to find if and where they belong. Some will taste heartbreak for the first time whereas some will fall in love for good. Some are preparing for the inevitable goodbyes whereas some are finally ready to let others in. ❤️


Having a quiet life is so… underrated. I don't mean it in the sense that people who're open and loud and busy aren't important, but when our culture has significantly put so much emphasis on the definition of success as fame, extraordinary accomplishments, greatness and importance and excessive wealth, I think there is so much power to be found in our own anonymity. In the silence of life. In not being constantly perceived, analyzed and performing for the world. In being able to take a walk, smile at strangers and just notice the world without all that noise. Taking the biggest pleasure out of the smallest joys, like a cup of coffee or blowing out birthday candles. knowing that our lives don't have to be a grand spectacle for others in order to have worth and cause a good impact.


I toss a stone into the water. I like to watch things sink faster than my heart has in the past, to be reminded that even small actions cause ripples that move outward until they are imperceptible to the eye. That's all our lives are, when you think about it. One ripple effect after another, us being mostly oblivious to how those ripples affect the world on a larger scale. I hope all the rocks I've tossed throughout my life have mostly made positive impacts, although I know some have also broken windows. Sometimes we can repair the damage, and sometimes we just have to try to do better in the future. That's where I am now, throwing pebbles with much more care and precision, so the tiny waves that wash over the people in my life are soothing… that's what I hope for at least. I want to make an impact that doesn't leave scars.


Everything is Temporary. Life is like a constant flowing river, always moving, always changing. There are flashes of happiness and bursts of pain and nothing lasts forever is at the tip of our tongue every time it all falls apart. But it is true - nothing lasts forever. Happiness is fleeting, pain temporary and love, love changes with every season. And I know that this world makes it seem like something is wrong with you if you're feeling low, I know that this world makes it hard to be heartbroken, lost or hurting, but there's nothing wrong with your life if you're going through a difficult time. Accept each emotion and let yourselfexperience it entirely joy, discomfort, love, excitement, nostalgia, all of it. Because the tide will turn and what you experience today will disappear tomorrow, which means that living in the moment is all that you truly have. And sometimes life feels like the biggest blessing you could've received, sometimes it feels like you're on top of the world and nothing could be better than this. And other times, it is hard, it is so incredibly hard. But that is okay. Because everything is temporary, every emotion fleeting, and all you really have in this ever-expanding universe is this present moment. All you really have is today.


Life changes. You lose love. You lose friends. You lose pieces of yourself that
          you never imagined would be gone. And then, without you even realizing it, these pieces come back. New love enters. Better friends come along. And a stronger, wiser you is staring back in the


Most of us are going through what we
          call a 'quarter-life crisis'. Trying to figure
          out what we want, who we are, where
          and who we want to be with, and what
          we think we deserve. Yes, the process
          is uncomfortable and painful at times
          but it is all a part of growing. And for all we know, maybe we are all in the same boat, giving each other directions without even trying.


Letting Go
          "Letting go isn't always about putting the other person in a mental box of 'people I no longer care about', or blocking them on social media and deleting their number. 
          Letting go isn't always about hating the other person or thinking ill of them. 
          Sometimes, letting go is forgiving them. 
          Letting go is accepting that they
          hurt you, but refusing to allow that pain to define your entire
          relationship/friendship, or cloud your memories of them. 
          Letting go is about understanding that sometimes you can love someone and still be disappointed in them, sometimes you can love someone and still distance yourself from them. 
          Sometimes you can love someone but know that because they didn't treat you well, you have to cut off your ties with them. 
          Sometimes you can love someone but still can't forget what they did to you, and that's why you have to leave. 
          Letting go doesn't always mean having negative feelings towards them by the end of it. 
          Letting go can also mean wishing them well and wanting them to be
          happy in all their future chapters, but knowing that this last chapter was as far as you both were meant to go. 
          Letting go means keeping them in your heart forever, and moving forward in your life with that feeling, instead of with them by side you."