
my ideas are too fast for my motivation


daydream by hannah grace isn’t out yet (im so excited) but judging by the description…it’s like the exact same plot as my next book that i’ve had planned since around april 2023. and the male mc kinda looks like henry. soooo idk what to do about that


and by “plot”, i meant relationship dynamic, characters, tropes, etc.


looking back on the first few chapters of my book is actually painful omg. there are some things in there that i meant to write as a joke and it’s only just now occurring to me that not everyone is going to know that i was kidding. what was past me thinking??


it’s only been like 2 months but i feel like it’s been forever. i keep leaving this app because i’m trying to change and grow into the person i want to be and for some reason i feel like that version of myself doesn’t write wattpad stories. i’ll try to push those thoughts aside tho and continue writing only you. it’s kinda cringey looking back on it but every writer starts off with a bad book 


Hey! I’m a newer author and I just wanted to find other new authors so we can support each other and help one another! Let me know if you’re down for the idea<33 
          P.S. totally cool if you’re not!!!


babes i’m so sorry i didn’t see this til now!! i’ll give your story a read and i’ll make sure i vote!! i’d be totally happy to support your work :)