
Hello fellow readers and writers , My name's Shevanae you can call me that .
          	I am a reader and a writer here on Wattpad and I hope we can all become great friends through my content , Forgive me if I take a great amount of time to post , its because I am in school .
          	Just remember that you can't gain Paradise without a sacrifice 


Hey! Thanks for the follow. 
          If you have time please do check out my books. I'll be waiting for your feedback ❤️ 




@Auraof_words Yes for sure I will


Hello fellow readers and writers , My name's Shevanae you can call me that .
          I am a reader and a writer here on Wattpad and I hope we can all become great friends through my content , Forgive me if I take a great amount of time to post , its because I am in school .
          Just remember that you can't gain Paradise without a sacrifice