
My MaNan story Qurbat is going to end soon. Just wanted to thank everyone for all the love you people showered my book with. I'll be starting another book soon and will now try to be more active. 


@xsweetlilmusex when you post more than love?


Oh my happy you and your family are safe. Gods grace. Takes time to come out of the trauma sinice it's not easy to stop replying the image. But don't worry you will be alright with time.  Time heals. Look at the positive side you are safe with your family.


Just a little update, while on a road trip, our car ran into a divider, toppled over three times and then in the upside down position, got dragged for like 40 metres. 
          My window was open so I managed to call for help and luckily people came. 
          There was this time gap of two seconds in between when I was pulled out and the rest of my family was taken out and in those two minutes, I yelled. I screamed and screamed and people held me back but to me, just thinking about the fact that my family is hurt was enough to lose my mind. 
          I did not have the time to cry because I had to get everyone to the hospital and luckily after two days, we're a bit better. 
          I am not here to rant ( ok maybe I do need it ) but I want to ask you if there is anything that you guys think might help me because I cannot even close my eyes for 2 minutes without immediately having that entire scene replay in my mind. 
          I'm not exactly ok, neither physically nor mentally so I need an excuse to divert my mind. 
          And I feel that it's not me, so many of us go through things and never even have the chance to acknowledge our feelings, much less recover from it. 
          Have any of you been in an accident or something ? If yes feel free here to express yourself. 


Thank god you all are safe. I think you should meditate or listen to some bhajan or aartis or mantras it makes your mind calm and make you fall asleep 


@xsweetlilmusex heyyy happg to hear tat all of i r great... u r facing condition similar to ptsd... it takes time to heal. As far as possible do things tat keep u distracted. Interacting with people and to an extemt social media helps. Read books if interested. But in all these things dont forget to keep ur health at check


@xsweetlilmusex firstly I'm glad you're fine and so is your family ...secondly since I haven't been in the same situation I cannot relate that closely to you but I do hope you come out of this zone soon ..take care ❣️


Okay so serious question, 
          I've been trying to update my book ‘ More Than Love ' for over two weeks now but I'm stuck in a really bad writer's block. And to be honest it's affecting my other books too. 
          I want you to tell me if I should update more than love or continue with my other books first because forcefully writing chapters will only ruin the book and I don't want that. 


I'm so so so sorry but I had a family function going on and that's why I was unable to update my stories. I don't seem to have any luck since starting tomorrow I have my T1 exams. 
          I'll be updating from next Monday. ♥️


@xsweetlilmusex its okkk........enjoy and best of luck for your exams..........will be waiting for u and new chapters