
Hello everyone, I am back for good! Ready to write for all my wayward sons and daughters!! More coming soon, so keep on your toes  -GNxx


Hi! I love your books and YouTube channel! I want to suggest a book for you to update, A Winter's Storm! I love both of those books and want to read more, if you could please! Thanks!


@Crazy_Super_Fan2 perhaps I will update it in the future 


My wayward sons and daughters, take a moment to morn the victims and the fallen at the shooting in Orlando. It saddens me to even speak of this tragic incident, but I also know that the surviving individuals need all the support they can get. This is also a good time to address the whole point of no hate, I mean I do not judge what so ever, I love everyone the same because every person contributes something great to the world in their own special way, so please remember to hate no one (even if they hate you) because this world could use people who loves everyone no matter what. That is all for now my wayward sons and daughters. Carry on. -GNxx