
Hello my people! I am alive! I've been on hiatus for years now and I'd like to explain why. I honestly lost interest in writing... >.< I'm sorry! I just felt that I wasn't a good writer and was embarrassed to write.. I actually cringe at what I've written on here. o.o I'm gonna try to start all over and learn how to write better so I won't bore you all! Updates will still be very slow since Syd and I are busy with College... We're sorry in advance and we love you all! Thanks for reading our stories! Don't forget to smile! 
          	- Angelica ^^


Hello my people! I am alive! I've been on hiatus for years now and I'd like to explain why. I honestly lost interest in writing... >.< I'm sorry! I just felt that I wasn't a good writer and was embarrassed to write.. I actually cringe at what I've written on here. o.o I'm gonna try to start all over and learn how to write better so I won't bore you all! Updates will still be very slow since Syd and I are busy with College... We're sorry in advance and we love you all! Thanks for reading our stories! Don't forget to smile! 
          - Angelica ^^


Ohhhhh my goodness! It has been so long... Like holy smokes. I say that like every time I log back on.. I'm working on a lot of things! I also say that everytime... But seriously! I'm almost done with a short story I'm proud of! And I'm working on two stories...one I've been working on for a couple years now.. still not close to done.. but yeah! I'm serious about this stuff! So i'm thinking of posting those on my personal? I'm not sure yet. We'll see what happens. I am so very sorry to our followers! Hopefully you'll read some of our stuff soon :) ~Syd


We're Alive! If anyone sees this... Sorry for never updating anything.. And I've been on writers block for my other stories lately, so I'll try to update! We're in the process of writing new stories! So look forward to it! Thanks~