
Hello peeps, so I've been greatfull you tagged by @ItsNataliaxx where I share facts about myself and tag 15 other people. This should be fun!
          	But first, here's the rules:
          	- Always mention these rules when you post your five facts
          	- Tag 15 people!
          	- You must complete this in a week
          	- Just 5 facts, please
          	- Please do not post these five facts of yours in the comments or reply section, you must post them in your conversations!
          	My five facts:
          	- I scraped half my face and broke my nose in a bike riding accident.
          	- I am not a fan of YouTube, and in fact, I try my best to avoid it. 
          	- I love watching films, and until some odd day I would hope to write my own screenplay.
          	- I like imitating accents from different countries.
          	- I hope to become a critic of some kind, only because I like to be brutally honest and I can be somewhat judgmental (sue me). 
          	I Tag:


@9katiejane also, what a big coincidence! 


@9katiejane  Thank you for doing it!:)


@xxXHappyGoLuckyXxx Thanks for the tag, I've just done this tag :D


@ANutUnderSHAme  okay so after reading your latest story, my thoughts would be that, as always, your hard work was clearly shown through this story and I will always be obliged to read more. But, I feel as though the story is a bit too fast pace. You do good with including the character's thoughts, and in fact, they are very alive. Although, you should consider adding more sensory detail and I believe that would knock your writing right out of the ball park. It's a great start, and you show a lot of potential to do something great with your stories.


Hello ANutUnderSHAme, 
          I truly do love your book so far and can't wait to read more. As a book addict, your novel's educated vocabulary and superb description is nothing but perfection. Out of many books on this program, yours would possibly just be one of the best. Although, my concerns are about this book is how unrealistic the dialogue is. Then again it's just depends on the time period. It's just that the characters have such deep and amazing dialogue it almost seems unrealistic. Like when Robert got mad at Ashley at the dance and yelled at her, I wouldn't think he'd say that poetic of a statement. Other than that, everything is just great. :)


Hello peeps, so I've been greatfull you tagged by @ItsNataliaxx where I share facts about myself and tag 15 other people. This should be fun!
          But first, here's the rules:
          - Always mention these rules when you post your five facts
          - Tag 15 people!
          - You must complete this in a week
          - Just 5 facts, please
          - Please do not post these five facts of yours in the comments or reply section, you must post them in your conversations!
          My five facts:
          - I scraped half my face and broke my nose in a bike riding accident.
          - I am not a fan of YouTube, and in fact, I try my best to avoid it. 
          - I love watching films, and until some odd day I would hope to write my own screenplay.
          - I like imitating accents from different countries.
          - I hope to become a critic of some kind, only because I like to be brutally honest and I can be somewhat judgmental (sue me). 
          I Tag:


@9katiejane also, what a big coincidence! 


@9katiejane  Thank you for doing it!:)


@xxXHappyGoLuckyXxx Thanks for the tag, I've just done this tag :D


I saw you like Lilly Collins, did you see her in Mirror mirror? That movie is so funny :D


@ForeverHis777 ^^ oh, I've never heard of Love Rosin. I've only seen her in Mirror Mirror and The Blind Side, yeah, she is a good actress. Thank you for following me :D


YES! I love that movie so much. It's one of my favorites! Then again, all movies Lily Collins has been in are amazing like Love Rosie and Stuck In Love. ❤️