
@NiallsPrincess1198  sure thing! 


One of  the authors I recently interviewed has been plagiarizing a story,  which is not okay. The interview has been deleted and if anyone else tries to do this,  I will remove your interview as well because taking someone else's work is not okay. I apologize to those who interviews I haven't got to yet because I did this interview first. 
          On a brighter note, I am going to start messaging some of you  with interview questions! 


Hey there pretty lady! How are you doing this fine lovely day? (I just felt like I was in a fifties sitcom... awk. Haha.) Was wondering if you would ever love to interview me? I have two finished fanfictions (Niall fiction, Harry fiction) and I'm working on a Zayn one. (: Take a read and tell me what you think? It'd be amazing. :3 
          Thanks lovely! :) -Mel xo