
He unpublished the page he wrote for me when he left..... I was loved once I have proof. That page is all I have left. 


I’ve fallen in love with so many people I think I’m a serial romantic.
          Yet my heart still crushes at the mention of Ivan’s name or anything he did. I just I need the closure I guess? I mean he never even said goodbye before leaving which hurts.
          What hurts the most I guess is that we had been broken up with for so long and that he stopped being interested in our conversations that he drifted away no matter how much I tried to pull his raft of love back in. Since all of that I guess he just forgot about me...... and to say goodbye.... 
          Instead I’m just left with this stupid account and empty promises worrying about if he is okay. And if his dad eased up on him at all.
          Anyone I try to message that knew him are reluctant to tell me anything. Or let me read his goodbye to them so maybe I could pretend it was his goodbye to me and move on.
          I know to most people it’s just someone behind a screen but our phone calls and our messages and our video chats meant so much more to me than anything I have.
          I’ve tried to move on but I find myself back here hurting all over again every time. I fear he’ll come back one day and I won’t be here with a warm heart to greet him.
          Anyway that’s my rant for the night. I just needed to get it off my chest it’s not like anyone visits my page anymore anyway.