
Okay, so I cameback (I guess) with this story about Klaine (Kurt + Blaine from GLEE) AU Fanfiction. It's in English so if y'all are interested then you can check my works and there it is! It's called “His Savior Angel” ❤


Okay, so I cameback (I guess) with this story about Klaine (Kurt + Blaine from GLEE) AU Fanfiction. It's in English so if y'all are interested then you can check my works and there it is! It's called “His Savior Angel” ❤


Hai gaes! 
          Nih, gw comeback bawa cerita baru. Meskipun temanya masi sama kek yg Drabble itu, yakni Boy X Boy, tapi yg ini gw bener2 terinspirasi sama kisah nyata. Seriusan, itu adapted from a real story wkwkwk. Kisahnya siapa? Well, who knows
          Baca yaaa, gw pengen minta pendapat kalian diberbagai hal di cerita itu
          Love y'all! 


@ xytinistav  hihihihih


@ xytinistav  boy x boy? 