
Just wanted y’all to know, I’m still alive. Barely, but alive. And both the OP story and the MHA story are still very much not forgotten by me, okay? College is just really kicking my adds right now. But I just gotta make it till June, so that I may have time to write again.


@yDave16  There is no rush mate take your time fans of your stories will wait just as we waited for anime episodes and manga chapters and good luck with college


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Fucking autocorrect indeed . . . take your time, you already have done so much, and gone farther than many others, so kick college's adds


@yDave16 take all the time to freaking get out of college brother!


I got a story idea if you like it and its called “king of monsters of dxd” it’s a Godzilla x high school of dxd storie


And finally Y/n will refuse to become a devil for a few reasons 
            1. Because he doesn’t want to sell his soul and keep some of his humanity even if he is part titan.(and refuses nicely but sternly)
            2. His doesn’t know rias and sona or any of there peers that much so y/n doesn’t fully trust them and doesn’t not want to be used and told what to do 
            3. No Chess pieces can hold Godzilla power even if y/n wants to be a devil or rias try’s the chess piece would be flung back violently.


Godzilla backstory: when the three factions war was on going it upset the balance and Godzilla join the war to bring balance the three factions try to fight back but only cost them death. And Ddraig , Albion the red and white dragon emperor try to defeat Godzilla and take his title but failed and when the war came to a end Godzilla vanished not to be seen from supernatural again until now, well with a host this time. 
            Y/n power: atomic breath, nuclear pulse, physical abilities, radioactive punch, healing factor, thermal vision, energy absorption, dorsal plate beams, plasma cutter, senses, red spiral ray, super atomic breath(from Godzilla in hell)
            (And Godzilla appears could be Monsterverse, Heisei, rulers of earth, or gih but it’s your choice and when y/n gets serious he’s body changes, he grows scales and claws on his arm, his teeth get sharp, grows a tail, and of course he grows dorsal plates on his back)


the story starts with Y/n living with his adopted father who in charge of a Organization called Monarch and trying to live a normal life but it’s tricky when you are part titan and know for few years and also know about the supernatural world. But y/n is a skilled fighter and now he attends a school called kuoh academy but he suppresses his power so much that no super natural can get a reading on him and that’s where the story starts.  But when he has to fight he puts a mask on to hide his identity but either at kokabiel battle or leader summit y/n mask breaks and everyone one knows who he is, and that his possess the strongest,fearsome titan in earth, heaven, and hell and the one who killed ‘god’ and the original Lucifer, even makes the great red dragon scared, and it’s the king of the monsters… GODZILLA!!!.
            Villains idea: King Ghidorah, Muto Prime, Gigan, Megalon, Scar king, Shimo Mechagodzilla, Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah, Biollante, Destoroyah, SpaceGodzilla, Trilpod, Cryoges.
            Allies/friends: Anguirus, Rodan, Mothra, Kong, jet jaguar, ultra man, gamera.