
Thank you to all my followers for reaching out despite my absence for reaching out! I'm no longer on wattpad because people kept blatantly stealing my books and it saddened me that people would take something I poured a lot of love and hard work into and claim it as their own. The question of whether I will be back to writing and re-uploading my bools is a different question and something I have np answer to at this stage. 
          	I thank each and every one of you guys for all the love!!


@yaoiChibi I know it’s been a while but by any chance do you have any intention of having your “im married to who..” series up for purchase? I would love to support and buy chapters. It was on of my all time favorite works and the only reason I ever kept wattpad. Would love to buy and support in some way!


@yaoiChibi i hope your doing well, i really wanted to read your books. i hope you'll come back soon.


Its the year 2024 and I still feel the loss of I'm married to who series. I still am trying desperately to read it again even just once. The whole series has been on my mind since the first time I read it and that was so many years ago.It was so long ago that I'm actually forgetting bits and pieces of the book. Im greatly saddened by the fact that I can't describe shelby anymore. Honestly now I just wanna read the books for the nostalgia reminding me of who I once was. 


I hope your doing well, been a fan since 2015 or 2016 hehe can't seem to remember, I'm grateful for your stories, It made me live till now, I hope we can access the "I'm married to" series, even if we purchase it from you. These stories fills the gap in my self like no other, thank youuuu