
Fantasy lovers, check this out! This book showcases incredibly unique characters, delighting adventures and a brilliant plot! Find the first book, it's highly recommended!!!!


Hello! I've loved your Lotr-themed story and I've wanted to talk with you for ages. The evolution of the relationship between Legolas and the protagonist is truly accurate and engrossing and I've liked a lot the fact the protagonist is seen as similar to Kahlan Amnell, one of my favourite character. You're a great writer, for my humble opinion. 


Hi I loved the first book but is there a reason I can read the song of spring?


@EmmaKenny6 hello emma, thank you for reading Ire and I'm glad you liked it .. Asos is a standalone story that has roots from the Silmarillion book..if you're interested to the first and second ages, you'll find some facts therein 